Friday, September 11, 2009

My New Goals : )

As of yesterday i no longer have a job but you know what thats ok. Im not going to let it drag me down because i have always had another job i just never looked at it as a job. Im now a housewife again and with that im going to set some goals for myself.

Since im going to be in the house most of the day i figured why not make the most of it. Starting on monday for the next week im going to work on some of the following:

1.) Clean out our dressers, entertainment center and other storage places we have
2.) Get ORGANIZED! Normally i am but here lately its just been bad. i need to find a system that works. (i need suggestions Jess!)
3.) Starting re decorating for fall and re arranging furniture & etc
4.) Start cooking more meals and eat out less

Im sure there are alot more that im missing and ill update the list as i go. but for now those are it and i think im going to get started today : )

Hope you guys have a good weekend!


Jessica said...

I'm sorry to hear about your job.
It seems like you are making the best of the situation.
You are for sure going to be super organized! :)

Hope you had a great weekend!

Jessica said...

PS- How's the organization coming?