The past week has been so busy for me! I had to do all my running and finishing some last minute shopping and well let me just say i will never do that again! The lines were so long and people were so rude and pushy! But i managed and we had a really good christmas. Our christmas started out on christmas eve with my nanny mac and she had bbq for dinner. It wasn't your traditional christmas eve dinner but it was still good. After that of course we socialized and opened gifts. Ryan got a mini air compresser and christmas money and i got a light pink velour jump suit with christmas money has well. The best presents we got were the pictures. I got one of my cousin skylee and her big sister blake and i got one of my cousins jacey and jamin. My little sister suprised us all and gave us a picture of her too! Now i need to get some frames so i can put up pictures of our family : )
Later that night we and ryan exchanged our gifts and he loved what i got him. He has been wanting for some time the other two books to the eragon series hes been wanting to read in hard back so i picked them up for him. Do you know how hard it is to keep that secret when everytime you go to borders your husband wants to buy them and you have to come up with an excuse why he cant? I also got a 52 piece screwdrive set where you can change out the bits. Although i secretly think he got my present for himself its the thought that counts and i love it. He got me a trimmer set for hair. Its really neat because it keeps me organized and now i can cut his hair whenever without having to borrow his brothers. Plus i plan on going to cosmetology school soon so this will come in handy : )
Christmas day was so busy. Ryan and his older brother went to pick up his great grandmother from the nursing home so she could spend christmas with us. It was so heartwarming to see the family come together and see people we dont normally see. As far as presents we got a few gift cards and checks from the grandparents, my mother in law got me my tinkerbell floor mats for my car and an adorable purse and wallet i have been eyeing for a while and ryan got a new dvd player and a beard trimmer from her. As far as the brother in laws and sister in laws we did couples gifts and we got a comforter set and wireless keyboard and mouse. All around it was a great christmas and i got the most enjoyment out of seeing my neices and nephews open their gifts. Although this was their first christmas with us and nanny mac hadn't met them before she still made sure they had one present each and since my sisters husband couldn't afford christmas for them their church donated some and me nad my mom pulled together for them and they had a wonderful christmas. It really warms your heart when you do something good. im pretty sure i see that as one of my 2010 goals is to do more good. Hope you all had a good christmas!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Weekend Wrap-Up
Boy oh boy has it been a really busy weekend! We had two christmas parties in one day, one for my family and Ryans work christmas party. Although we were totally wiped out on sunday i can say we had a blast! Saturday afternoon we went to my Nanny Mulkeys house for her Christmas get together and seen alot of the family we hardly see which was great i really love seeing them all! My favorite part was seeing my cousin blake who is prego and is ready to pop, that and the baby kicked and i was able to feel it : )
Later that night we had to go to ryans work christmas party which was a blast as well. I met alot of the people i always here him and my father in law talking about. its nice to be able to match faces with names. While we were there they had a bunch of prizes such as a xbox, wii, dvd player, blue ray player etc. and they said they only way you could win one is the guys for Reliable had to sing karaoke to get the raffle tickets. I kept bugging ryan to go sing and get some tickets just to have a good time and see what prize he would win and finally he did. Him and a few of the other guys all started singing dont take the girl and his boss paid three of them (including ryan) with raffle tickets to stop singing haha. The best part of this story is when he handed out the bonuses he told all the guys that the blue raffle tickets they got for singing were no good and that the real raffle ticket to the prizes was in their bonuses! It was too funny. It was a long night they had excellent food, beverages, alcohol etc. The prize give away was fun to watch although me and my mother in law were praying my father in law didn't win one of the big screen t.v's (us kids bought his one for christmas) but instead he one a blue ray player and ryan won some kind of saw but it was still a fun night. I just wish i had pictures to share.
This week has been a busy week as well yesterday i spent the day with a girlfriend and her baby. It was some much needed girl time to just talk and relax. When i came home and checked the mail i fount a card in the mailbox from my dad and he sent me and ryan some gift cards to old navy, bass pro shop, and applebees which they will all go to good use of course : )
The rest of the week consists of finishing christmas shopping, im doing the rest of mine tomorrow with my mom and then thursday morning im going with my sis in law to finish hers because she hates shopping by herself and then later that night i get to go to my nanny macs for christmas eve dinner and back to my moms to do christmas with my nieces and nephews : )
Of course Christmas will be spent with ryans family as well on christmas day and after everyone is gone Ryan is taking me to see New Moon (which i have been dying to see) and then probably out to eat saturday night :)
What are your holiday plans so far? Are you guys done with your christmas shopping?
Later that night we had to go to ryans work christmas party which was a blast as well. I met alot of the people i always here him and my father in law talking about. its nice to be able to match faces with names. While we were there they had a bunch of prizes such as a xbox, wii, dvd player, blue ray player etc. and they said they only way you could win one is the guys for Reliable had to sing karaoke to get the raffle tickets. I kept bugging ryan to go sing and get some tickets just to have a good time and see what prize he would win and finally he did. Him and a few of the other guys all started singing dont take the girl and his boss paid three of them (including ryan) with raffle tickets to stop singing haha. The best part of this story is when he handed out the bonuses he told all the guys that the blue raffle tickets they got for singing were no good and that the real raffle ticket to the prizes was in their bonuses! It was too funny. It was a long night they had excellent food, beverages, alcohol etc. The prize give away was fun to watch although me and my mother in law were praying my father in law didn't win one of the big screen t.v's (us kids bought his one for christmas) but instead he one a blue ray player and ryan won some kind of saw but it was still a fun night. I just wish i had pictures to share.
This week has been a busy week as well yesterday i spent the day with a girlfriend and her baby. It was some much needed girl time to just talk and relax. When i came home and checked the mail i fount a card in the mailbox from my dad and he sent me and ryan some gift cards to old navy, bass pro shop, and applebees which they will all go to good use of course : )
The rest of the week consists of finishing christmas shopping, im doing the rest of mine tomorrow with my mom and then thursday morning im going with my sis in law to finish hers because she hates shopping by herself and then later that night i get to go to my nanny macs for christmas eve dinner and back to my moms to do christmas with my nieces and nephews : )
Of course Christmas will be spent with ryans family as well on christmas day and after everyone is gone Ryan is taking me to see New Moon (which i have been dying to see) and then probably out to eat saturday night :)
What are your holiday plans so far? Are you guys done with your christmas shopping?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Long Over Due Update!
I have been such a bad blogger these past few days but i have been so busy. I finally had time tonight to sit down and write and update for everyone. Things with my sister are going along. We still aren't sure what it is but the doctor reassured us if it is Hodgkins then it is treatable and doesn't mean she is going to die but he wants to make sure before he tells us a diagnoses. As for things on the home front we are preparing for christmas. I have gotten almost all of my Christmas shopping done. All i have left to do is order my brother and sister in laws gift tomorrow, and buy picture frames for our pictures to give to the grandmothers for christmas. After all my buying is done i have to wrap the remaining gifts and put them under the tree and then im done outside of mailing our Christmas cards : )
*as a note: i will never buy wrapping paper with glitter ever again! By the time i was done wrapping all the presents i had to wrap i was covered in gold glitter and it was all over the place! what a mess.
This weekend is going to be really busy for us since we have 2 Christmas parties to attend in the same day! First we have the Christmas party and my Nanny Mulkey's house that afternoon and then that night we have Ryan's work christmas party. Luckily ill have some time inbetween to grab my sister and sneak off to the mall to finish Ryan's Christmas. The last thing on my list is the Very Sexy for him after shave at Victoria Secret : )
As a treat for you guys here is a sneak peak of our Christmas/family pictures!
*as a note: i will never buy wrapping paper with glitter ever again! By the time i was done wrapping all the presents i had to wrap i was covered in gold glitter and it was all over the place! what a mess.
This weekend is going to be really busy for us since we have 2 Christmas parties to attend in the same day! First we have the Christmas party and my Nanny Mulkey's house that afternoon and then that night we have Ryan's work christmas party. Luckily ill have some time inbetween to grab my sister and sneak off to the mall to finish Ryan's Christmas. The last thing on my list is the Very Sexy for him after shave at Victoria Secret : )
As a treat for you guys here is a sneak peak of our Christmas/family pictures!
Me & Ryan
Tyler & Alicia (sister and brother in law
Todd & Nikki (brother & sister in law)
Mike & Karen (Mother & Father In Law)
Mother In Law With The Daughter In Laws
Mom With The Sons (my brother in law is actually smiling!)
The Sons & Their Wives
The Gladden Family
Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas Everyone!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Update On Crystal
Today was crystals dr. appointment to find out wether or not she has cancer. Im very sad to report that we still dont know. The doctor has scheduled a biopsy and ct scan to find out sometime next week. The only insight he could give us was it can either be something bacterial or Hotchkins Disease or something along those lines. Whatever it is he said it is very serious. Although i wasn't there with her today (i wish i was) when she told me this news my heart fell to the floor. I have never had such a feeling before in my life. I know i need to be strong for her but its so hard. Whatever it comes down to i know we will all come together as a family and fight it until the end. I just pray it doesn't take her away from us. She still has so much to live for. She still has to see her three wonderful children grow up and live their lives. We still have so much sister bonding to do and re connect with each other. These are the positive thoughts that i am holding on to. To get me through this the best i can.
Please keep us in your prayers. Im thinking i will start another blog and link it to this one on this journey. Its going to be a long rocky road but im ready for it. I just pray to God its not her time to go but if it is i wont fight him.
Please keep us in your prayers. Im thinking i will start another blog and link it to this one on this journey. Its going to be a long rocky road but im ready for it. I just pray to God its not her time to go but if it is i wont fight him.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Next Christmas....
Our Apartment Will Look Like This (Kinda lol)
I cant wait to decorate our tree next year here are some ideas i love!
Praying For Crystal
Today i got a unsettling call from my mom. As some of you know a little over a month ago my mom fount my older sister. Well she got some unsettling news from the hospital yesterday. She has had this "knot" on the side of her neck and it was really bothering her and causing her a lot of pain. While she is down here my mom convinced her to go to the hospital yesterday. The "knot" is not that......its a tumor and she had another one on the other side of her neck that busted. I dont know everything that is going on my mom wouldn't tell me a whole lot but my mom was very upset and really stressed out so i know this can't be good. Crystal has a doctors appointment on Tuesday and i will know more then. Until then please keep us in your prayers. God Bless.

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Over The Road Truck Drivers.
This is very hard for me to swallow and accept but Ryan has decided to go to school to get his CDL which isn't the problem. The problem is when he gets it he has to go over the road which means he is going to be gone all the time for the first year after that he can get a local position. I renamed my blog because this will probably be my main source of support while he is gone outside of friends and family. Its going to be really hard to adjust to him being gone all the time but im sure i will manage some how. Right now our plan is after he gets out of his training to start looking for a place to live so while he is gone we have our place that he can come home to and not his parents or my parents like it has been. I can see lots of slumber parties with my little sister and a lot of sleepovers on my older sisters parts. I've never actually been alone so this will be an interesting change. I will admit the thought of it makes me want to cry but i hold back the tears so Ryan doesn't see them. Writing this right now is making me tear up as well. Its hard always having someone there for 2 1/2 years almost everyday to seeing him maybe three days out of the month. This is all i can write for now before i start crying. I hope all is well with everyone else.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
On My Christmas List This Year.....
This totally adorable bag from Avon.

Maybe Some Floor Mats To Match My Steering Wheel Cover?
I would LOVE one of these for the kitchen : )
Or Maybe Some Of This AMAZING Sent
I LOVE this time of year and i can't wait until me and ryan can put up a tree of our own next year : )
This christmas im setting a goal to go see christmas lights and get all of my christmas shopping done before christmas eve this year and actually have everything wrapped and under the tree. They are calling for snow on saturday and we are having family pictures made how cool would that be? I hope it does snow for mine and ryan's outside pictures! Whats on your christmas list? Any Christmas Traditions or Goals?
Happy Holidays Everyone!

Friday, November 27, 2009
My First Tattoo Ever.
Done By My Older Sister. Its getting finished Friday but i though i would give you a sneak peek : )
He still needs yellow in his belly and the stars have to be colored purple and the lil guy below is going to be blue and yellow and the stars purple as well : )
The Finished Product So Far : )

Monday, November 23, 2009
Baby Fever.
There has to be something going around in the water here lately. Everyone is getting pregnant lately or they have a little one of their own. Its really making me get baby fever and want to have one. Me and Ryan have been talking for a while about having kids at an early age and decided that when it happens its God telling us its our time to have a little one of our own. What really made me notice my true feelings of wanting a baby happened yesterday at my cousins baby shower. Although she may have gotten pregnant at the wrong time to some (she just recently graduated high school this past may) she is still glowing and happy about her pregnancy and determined to still go to school and support her child so they can make it and she was a true inspiration to me and made me realize that it doesn't matter how old you are there is no real right age to have a baby. Although i wouldn't get pregnant at 18 God has a reason for everything. With that said me and Ryan have decided to start trying for one of our own and turn everything over to God and putting it all in his hands and whatever happens happens. In the mean time we have picked out a name for a little boy and it is Aiden James Gladden (James after Ryan) As for a little girl im not totally decided yet but i really like the name Rosalia Ophelia Gladden (Ophelia after my great grandmother) and i have also fount some really cute nursery inspritations. Hope you enjoy and please keep us in your prayers : )

I Love How Vintage This One Looks : )
My Favorite : )

Saturday, November 14, 2009
In Need Of A Blog Name
so i have been toying around with blog names and i cant find one that suites me.....i would love any ideas or suggestions. im open :)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Keeping The Roads Hot
Or thats what my mom says im doing lol. i have had such a busy weekend although i didn't go and do anything i was very busy looking for a job and managed to go to victoria secret to pick up a few new things (they have some cute christmas panties!) I haven't had any luck on the job but im still searching there is something out there for me. Today while i was out looking for a short bit i found myself at T.J Maxx. I have had some serious T.J Maxx withdrawls here lately haha. I now LOVE our T.J Maxx over here even more than before because now they have Juicy Couture and Betsyville stuff i was so happy! I also fount out that we have a Marshalls, Tuesday Morning (not my favorite), and coming soon and something called an A.J Wright store coming soon! I can't wait to go exploring some more, i love having my license back again!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I Did It!
I finally have my license back! I got them today! it feels so good to be able to drive myself again!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Donate Your Old Expired Coupons To Army Families
Gather up your expired coupons (no more than 3 months past the expiration date). Your coupons need to be clipped already (you will want to do so to cut down on shipping costs anyhow). They can only accept manufacturer’s coupons from the newspaper or magazines. They can not accept internet printables or store coupons.
Send them to Tammy at this address:
Overseas Coupon Program
c/o ArmyHousehold6
5804 Harr Ave Unit D
Colorado Springs, CO 80902
What a great way to be able to support our troops! Please take a little of your time and help a military family out instead of throwing your coupons in the trash.
Send them to Tammy at this address:
Overseas Coupon Program
c/o ArmyHousehold6
5804 Harr Ave Unit D
Colorado Springs, CO 80902
What a great way to be able to support our troops! Please take a little of your time and help a military family out instead of throwing your coupons in the trash.
The Incredible Christmas Shop
Was totally amazing and i would reccomend it to anyone who loves christmas! I forgot to get pictures while we were inside but here is one of the outside and the adorable ornaments we had made for Harley and Shadow : )
Guinness Book Of World Records Museum
The Worlds Largest Tree
Madonna Was In There For Most Costume Changes : )
Forgot To Find Out What This Made It In There But It Still Worked : )
The Worlds Fattest Man Weighing In At 1069lbs and his Belt Size Was 122 Inches!
The Most Weight Loss. I think it was 900lbs in 18 months or something.
The Worlds Tallest Man
(my camera died before he could get a pic of me but i didn't even come up to his belt buckle lol)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Ghost Walk Of Gatlinburg
It was better than i thought it would be and we really had a good time and the tour guide couldn't of been better.
This actually turned out to be a pretty cool picture. It wasn't spooky during the day but this part was so dark that it just looks like it!
This actually turned out to be a pretty cool picture. It wasn't spooky during the day but this part was so dark that it just looks like it!
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